Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our calendar was temporarily suspended due to the cancellation and postponement of all kinds of meetings and events worldwide with the growing challenges brought on by the increasing spread of COVID-19. Our translation calendar will be published again soon.

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Starting Work as a Translator

25 Şubat 2020 @ 18:00

Panel Session: Starting Work as a Translator

Organized by Institute of Translation and Interpreting and The Open University. 


Find out how to take your first steps as a professional translator

In this live panel session, you will be able to pose your questions to four panellists and find out what it takes to succeed when starting out as a translator.

You can submit your questions ahead of time by emailing events@iti.org.uk. Questions must be submitted by 10 February.

On the panel.

Sarah Bowyer
Sarah is a relative newcomer to the profession and has quickly established a successful freelance career specialising in legal and sports translation.

Sarah will be able to answer your questions on:

  • Starting out in the translation industry
  • Breaking through the no experience barrier
  • How to gain experience with volunteer work
  • Specialising in legal translation
  • Collaborating and building networks
  • Freelancer wellbeing, especially mental health

Nicholas Nicou
Nicholas is a freelance translator specialising in medical and sports texts and is also a freelance sub-editor for business to business publications.

Nicholas will be able to answer your questions on:

  • Getting started in the industry
  • The skills you need as a translator
  • How to market yourself effectively to find clients
  • Using social media

Louise Killeen

Following time working in-house for a large translation company Louise worked as a freelanced translator before setting up her own translation company in 2004.

Louise will be able to answer your questions on:

  • Working with translation agencies as a freelancer
  • How to approach agencies
  • In-house opportunities with agencies
  • Internships and training

Anna Comas-Quinn, Senior Lecturer, Open University  

The OU offers an MA in Translation and will be able to answer your questions on:

  • Types of courses available in the UK
  • Course content
  • Entry requirements

Sarah, Nicholas and Louise will each make a short recording ahead of the panel session, packed full of useful information. By signing up to the panel session you will automatically be sent a link to these recordings 10 February 2020.

The above information is quoted from https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/starting-work-as-a-translator-panel-session-25022020-tickets-87217364485

Tartışmaya Katılın

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our calendar was temporarily suspended due to the cancellation and postponement of all kinds of meetings and events worldwide with the growing challenges brought on by the increasing spread of COVID-19. Our translation calendar will be published again soon.