Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our calendar was temporarily suspended due to the cancellation and postponement of all kinds of meetings and events worldwide with the growing challenges brought on by the increasing spread of COVID-19. Our translation calendar will be published again soon.

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Intro to Weaponry for the Interpreter (Spanish/English)

20 Haziran 2020

Intro to Weaponry for the Interpreter (Spanish/English)

The National Center for Interpretation is pleased to announce a webinar designed Spanish/English interpreters.

Basic knowledge of weaponry is essential for today’s court interpreter.  This webinar provides a bilingual (Spanish and English) review of firearms, including types of firearms, their basic functions, ballistics, slang, and so on.  Its focus is improving bilingual vocabulary and conceptual scheme, with an emphasis on register maintenance.

We’ll hope you’ll join us!

Saturday, June 20, 2020 – 10:00 to 1:00 PDT

The above information is quoted from https://nci.arizona.edu/workshop/intro-weaponry-interpreter-spanishenglish




The National Center for Interpretation

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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our calendar was temporarily suspended due to the cancellation and postponement of all kinds of meetings and events worldwide with the growing challenges brought on by the increasing spread of COVID-19. Our translation calendar will be published again soon.