Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our calendar was temporarily suspended due to the cancellation and postponement of all kinds of meetings and events worldwide with the growing challenges brought on by the increasing spread of COVID-19. Our translation calendar will be published again soon.

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Translating Without Source Text

30 Haziran 2020

Translating Without Source Text


When great user experience is a goal, standard translation may fall short. Please join us for a conversation with Giulia Tarditi of Monese, Jerome Selinger, and Malgorzata Gembala of Precisely in conversation with Dominika D’Agostino of Vistatec.

Join the webinar on Translating Without Source Text.

The webinar will cover the following topics:

· Reimagining the localization process by removing the concept of source text has been a game-changer for a London-based startup, with great results for users’ engagement.

· Why and how this approach can increase conversion in local markets.

· What happens when a software big data company puts the concept into practice?

· A popular UI component localization as a case study for the innovative method of translation.
11:00 AM — 12:00 PM EDT

4:00 PM — 5:00 PM BST

The above information is quoted from https://www.gala-global.org/all-events/translating-without-source-text




Globalization and Localization Association

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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our calendar was temporarily suspended due to the cancellation and postponement of all kinds of meetings and events worldwide with the growing challenges brought on by the increasing spread of COVID-19. Our translation calendar will be published again soon.