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MT Series: Measuring ROI for Machine Translation

25 Haziran 2020 @ 17:00 - 18:00

MT Series: Measuring ROI for Machine Translation

Implementing machine translation (MT) is about seeking efficiencies that come with expected higher throughput and quicker turnaround times. What should not be forgotten is that it is a strategic decision, a long term investment before anything else.

In order to start with MT, you first need to align a few stars: prepare your language data and glossaries, train your teams, train and test your engines and plug them into the process. Only then you can move into production. Voila, you may think, I’ve just started saving! But, how do you know? And did you forget about the investment costs already?

In this webinar, we take a strategic look at calculating the return on investment (ROI) when it comes to machine translation, in a three-year evaluation window. We explore a framework that is created based on a financial model commonly known as the NPV (Net Preset Value). Lastly, we will share an update on the TAUS Data Cloud retirement and the planned launch of the Data Marketplace- a trading platform for language data.

Whether you are preparing a business case to introduce MT in your organization or looking for a way to assess the return on your financial investment a posteriori, this presentation will provide a clear process to help you with that. The agenda is as follows:

  1. How to Estimate ROI on MT, Rodrigo Cristina (Capita Translation and Interpreting)
  2. The Future of TAUS Data: Data Marketplace Project, Anderson Vaz (TAUS)
  3. Q & A

The above information is quoted from https://www.taus.net/events/webinars/141-mt-series-measuring-roi-for-machine-translation




Translation Automation User Society

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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our calendar was temporarily suspended due to the cancellation and postponement of all kinds of meetings and events worldwide with the growing challenges brought on by the increasing spread of COVID-19. Our translation calendar will be published again soon.