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Trained Dual Role Interpreters Become Dual Role Nationally Certified Interpreters – The Long and Winding Journey

12 Aralık 2019 @ 10:00 - 11:30


Barton Health’s Language Access Services team shares important lessons from their two year journey to support trained dual role interpreters in becoming nationally certified. Their detailed plan includes planning, implementation, and creating an on-site testing center and customized training and coaching.  

Learning Objectives

1. Become familiar with how to facilitate organization wide collaboration, planning and implementation.

2. Learn how to establish an on-site testing center at your healthcare facility.

3. Learn how to design a customized training and coaching program for your dual role interpreters.

Presenter Bio

Tracy Young is a certified medical interpreter, medical interpreter trainer and long-time advocate for the profession. She currently is the Language Access Services coordinator at Barton Health in South Lake Tahoe, California. She holds an MA in Spanish from the University of Nevada, Reno and is the founding president of the Nevada Interpreters and Translators Association (NITA). In 2015, Tracy was awarded the prestigious Language Access Champion Award from the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care. She continues to find innovative ways to make language access a reality at Barton Health and beyond.  


California Healthcare Interpreting Association

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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our calendar was temporarily suspended due to the cancellation and postponement of all kinds of meetings and events worldwide with the growing challenges brought on by the increasing spread of COVID-19. Our translation calendar will be published again soon.